[free font] 5BULLETSREMAIN

5BULLETSREMAIN [free font] 弾倉にはまだ5回のチャンスが入ってる。 5 bullets are remaining in the chamber. - 2 items: ttf, txt - ご使用の前に、同梱したreadmeを読んでください。Read "readme" in the file. - TIPS版は全く同じ中身ですが、これを選んでOZettを支援してくれたら嬉しいです!You can support me with purchasing [TIPS], thank you! --- 特徴/features * 高さ/height: 6px (5px + 1px) * 特別な文字/special letters: *, ©, ®, Þ * Made with BitFontMaker2™ https://www.pentacom.jp/pentacom/bitfontmaker2/ ライセンス/license * 個人利用: 連絡不要 Personal use: You CAN with no pay or contact * 商用利用: 要相談 Commercial use: You MUST ASK ME before * 作者表示: なるべく Credit: As much as possible * 5BULLETSREMAIN © 2024 by OZett is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ (ただし作者表示は必須としない/But you don't have to give credit) * 変更は https://ozett.neocities.org/font で告知します。/If this term changes, it'll be noticed in https://ozett.neocities.org/font . OZett https://ozett.neocities.org/font

[free font] 5BULLETSREMAIN
[free font] 5BULLETSREMAIN
5BULLETSREMAIN [free font] 弾倉にはまだ5回のチャンスが入ってる。 5 bullets are remaining in the chamber. - 2 items: ttf, txt - ご使用の前に、同梱したreadmeを読んでください。Read "readme" in the file. - TIPS版は全く同じ中身ですが、これを選んでOZettを支援してくれたら嬉しいです!You can support me with purchasing [TIPS], thank you! --- 特徴/features * 高さ/height: 6px (5px + 1px) * 特別な文字/special letters: *, ©, ®, Þ * Made with BitFontMaker2™ https://www.pentacom.jp/pentacom/bitfontmaker2/ ライセンス/license * 個人利用: 連絡不要 Personal use: You CAN with no pay or contact * 商用利用: 要相談 Commercial use: You MUST ASK ME before * 作者表示: なるべく Credit: As much as possible * 5BULLETSREMAIN © 2024 by OZett is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ (ただし作者表示は必須としない/But you don't have to give credit) * 変更は https://ozett.neocities.org/font で告知します。/If this term changes, it'll be noticed in https://ozett.neocities.org/font . OZett https://ozett.neocities.org/font